Check Your Tenants is dedicated to ensuring your report ordering experience with us is a positive one. Below we have provided answers to our most frequently asked questions including How To Order a Tenant Screening Report and How a Tenant Completes the Screening Request step by step.
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Top Frequently Asked Questions about Check Your Tenants
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How does Check Your Tenants work?
- A Landlord must Create an Account and add at least one rental property.
- A potential tenant who is interested in renting the property must supply their email address to the Landlord. Please Note: If there is more than one individual renter on an application, a separate email address must be supplied for each rental applicant. No applicants may use the same email address.
- The Landlord initiates the Tenant screening request by generating a Tenant Screening Invitation which is delivered to the email address supplied by each prospective tenant.
- The prospective Tenant receives the screening request in their email. The Tenant must choose to accept or decline the screening request. If the applicant declines the request, the rental screening application is canceled. By accepting the request, the applicant is at that time initiating and if prompted, provides payment at that time.
- Within minutes, the Landlord receives the report with credit, criminal, and background history information plus the Know Before Resident Score recommendation to assist in the decision making process.
- The prospective Tenant will then be notified of the Landlord’s decision.
How do I Create an Account?
- If you are new to Check Your Tenants, Click on the words “Create an Account”. Provide your email address, create a Password, and click on the CREATE AN ACCOUNT button.
- Complete the information requested on the Create a Profile screen and click SUBMIT.
- You will now be prompted to Create a Property. Provide the Name of the Property (Ex. Name of Apartment Building, Condominium, or Property Nickname), Property Classification, Conventional or Subsidized (unless the property is a Subsidized Rental unit, it should be classified as Conventional). Choose the Property Type in the dropdown (Residential Home, Apartment, Office, etc). Provide the full Property Address including
the Unit number if any. Accept the Fair Credit Reporting Act and click on NEXT. Enter the Landlord Information including the full name, complete mailing address, email address, and best contact phone number and click FINISH. Your Account has now been created.
How do I order a Tenant Screening Report?
- If you are new to Check Your Tenants, you will need to create an account. If you already have an account, log in to
- From the Home Screen, click on PLACE NEW ORDER.
- Select a previously input Property or click on CREATE A NEW ONE and complete the information.
- Input the Email Address for the Tenant(s). PLEASE NOTE: EACH INDIVIDUAL TENANT IS REQUIRED TO SUPPLY THEIR OWN SEPARATE EMAIL ADDRESS. Hit the Tab Key or Comma to add more than one Email address.
- Provide the term of the lease (number of months) and the estimated amount of the monthly rent.
- Choose the Report Package, Premium or Ultimate.
- Select who will be paying for the report, the Landlord or the Tenant.
- Click on ADD TO CART.
- Click on CHECKOUT.
- If LANDLORD TO PAY is selected, the total amount due will show for the number of reports requested. Provide the payment information and click on SUBMIT ORDER.
- If TENANT TO PAY is selected, the amount to be paid by the Tenant will show in Applicants Total. The Landlord or Requestor’s total will show as $0.00 and no payment by Landlord is required. Click on SUBMIT ORDER.
- The Final Screen shows SUCCESS! THIS CREDIT APPLICATION REQUEST HAS BEEN CREATED and the REPORT ORDER ID is displayed. CYT recommends that you print this screen as confirmation of your order and a record of your ORDER ID for future reference.
- The Invitation to complete the screening application is sent to the Tenants Email within minutes. CYT recommends that you contact the Tenant to confirm receipt of the Email
Can I edit the Property and Landlord Information once it has been entered and saved?
Yes, click on PROPERTIES at the top of the screen, find the property and click on the Edit Icon on
the right side. Change the necessary information and click FINISH. Return to the HOME SCREEN
to place an order.
The Tenant did not receive the Application Invitation in their Email, can I resend the request?
Yes, you can resend the invitation request, however, before resending, ask the Tenant to check
their SPAM/JUNK MAIL folder. If the Email is not in the SPAM/JUNK MAIL folder, and has not
been received in the Tenant’s Email Inbox, follow these steps: Click on ORDERS, locate the
specific order in the list and click on PENDING, on the Order Details screen click on RESEND
RENTER INVITATIONS. New Screening Invitations are sent to all Tenant Email addresses that
have been entered.
The Email Invitation has already been sent to the applicants, can I add or remove a Tenant?
You can always add a new tenant to an existing order, however, you can only remove a tenant
from an order if they have not completed and submitted their application. To add a Tenant: Click
on Orders and find the specific order. Click on the highlighted Status which will show as IN
PROGRESS or COMPLETE. On the Order Details screen, click on ADD A RENTER. Enter in the
additional Tenant’s Email address and click SUBMIT. A new screening invitation is sent to the
Email address that was added. To Remove a Tenant: Click on ORDERS and locate the specific
order. Click on IN PROGRESS and on the Order Details screen, click on REMOVE RENTERS. Select
the Tenant to be removed and click on REMOVE RENTERS.
The Tenant’s Email address was either entered incorrectly or is not working and I need to replace it with a different Email address. Can I edit the Tenant’s Email address and resend the Invitation?
Yes, Click on Orders and find the specific order. Click on the Pending button which will open the
Order Details Screen. Click on Add Renters and enter the corrected Email or new Email address
and click SUBMIT. A new screening invitation is sent to the Email Address that was added. On
the Application Details screen, click on REMOVE RENTER, select the box next to the incorrect or
non-working Email Address and click on the REMOVE RENTER button.
Can I order a report for someone who does not have a Social Security Number?
No, at this time Check Your Tenants only has the ability to process a
screening application for Tenants who have a valid United States Social Security Number.
The Email Invitation has already been sent to the applicant, can I cancel the transaction?
If the Tenant has not completed and submitted the application, the transaction can be cancelled
and no charges are incurred. To cancel the transaction, click on ORDERS and locate the specific order. Click on IN PROGRESS and on the Order Details screen click on CANCEL APPLICATION. The screen will display the following: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION? Click on GO BACK to return to the Application Details screen and continue with the process. To continue with the cancellation, click on CANCEL. You will be returned to the Application Details screen and the transaction status in the upper right hand corner will show as canceled.
I am a prospective Tenant, How do I complete the Screening Request?
- A Prospective Tenant will receive an Invitation in the Email address provided to the Landlord. Open the Email and click on START APPLICATION.
- The Tenant must either ACCEPT or REJECT the Screening Request. If the Tenant chooses to REJECT the Request, the transaction process is canceled. If the Tenant chooses ACCEPT, the RENTER DETAILS screen opens.
- The Tenant must complete their information (all fields with an * are required to be completed), ACCEPT the Fair Credit Reporting Act Agreement, and click SUBMIT.
- The Tenant must then answer 3 security questions to verify their identity and click SUBMIT. PLEASE NOTE, once the tenant has answered the questions and clicked SUBMIT, they can NOT go back to change any of the answers. If one or more Security Questions are answered incorrectly, an ERROR message will show and the screening request will be locked to any further action. If Tenant attempts to go back and change an answer to a security question an ERROR will show and the screening request will be locked to any further action. Once the Tenant is Locked Out, they must contact TransUnion Customer Service at 1-866-775-0961 to confirm their Identity and complete the screening application.
- After answering the Security Questions correctly, the Tenant clicks on the SUBMIT button and the Payment Detail screen will open. The Tenant must provide their payment information and click on COMPLETE PAYMENT. The Final Screen will show THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE, THIS REQUEST HAS BEEN ACCEPTED.
- Payment is processed within minutes, the Tenant receives a PAYMENT RECEIVED confirmation in their email, and the complete background report is delivered to the Landlord at the Email address provided.
Will my credit score be affected by the credit and background screening report?
No, the Tenant’s score will not be affected. This is one of the benefits of using Check Your
Tenants for this service. Because the applicant initiates the screening process and the release of
his or her credit, criminal, and full background information to the Landlord through the secure
Check Your Tenants site, the inquiry is classified as a “soft inquiry” which does not negatively
affect the tenant’s score.
I was not able to answer all the security questions correctly, there is an error message and I am unable to proceed with the application. Who do I call?
Because these security questions are generated from the information reported on your credit
report, you must contact TransUnion Smart Move directly to verify your Identity and unlock
your Screening Application.
TransUnion Smart Move Customer Service: 1-866-775-0961.
Why must each applicant have their own individual Email address?
By providing a separate Email address for each applicant, Check Your Tenants is able to securely
deliver the invitation for the Screening Application to each Tenant. By accessing and accepting
the screening application through the individual email invitation, the Tenant is thereby initiating
the release of his or her credit and background information to the Landlord through Check Your
Tenants. Because the Tenant actually initiates the screening process, the inquiry is considered a
“soft inquiry” and does not affect the Tenant’s Credit Score. If a prospective Tenant does not
have an Email address, they will need to establish an Email account through any one of the
many free Email service providers.
I share an email address with my spouse. Since we are a married couple, are we able to use the same Email address for the screening application?
NO. Each Tenant must have their own individual Email address even if they are a Married
My credit Card was charged but no report was provided to the Landlord. Who do I contact?
Contact Check Your Tenants Customer Service: 1-877-566-9298
Can I get a copy of my background report(s) provided to the Landlord?
Yes, to obtain a copy of the completed background report, the tenant must contact TransUnion Customer Service at 866-775-0961 to request a copy of the report. Identity verification by Trans Union is required.
Don’t see an answer to your question?
Contact your designated CheckYourTenants Account Executive. Send your question(s) to a CheckYourTenants
customer support specialist at: [email protected]
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